The Secret Lies Within ...

When is a house not a house? When it's a living, breathing, wonderland work of art! Talliston House and Gardens in Great Dunmow, has been 25 years in the making and offers a unique sensory experience and an ever-expanding range of intimate events, from dinner parties to live music.

Furneux Festival
28th & 29th September

Armed only with straw, sacking and a stick or two, the people of Furneux Pelham will do battle in the 27th Annual Scarecrow Competition at the famous Furneux Festival on September 28th! Their fantastic creations will line the streets to welcome visitors to the normally quiet Herts-Essex border village.

Teddy Bears Picnic
Thaxted Parish Church

Don’t be surprised if you see some slightly furrier than normal visitors in Thaxted on Sunday, September 22nd, for every bear that ever there was will be going to Thaxted Parish Church for the Teddy Bears’ Picnic - a relaxed environment for you and your Teddy to socialize and unwind!

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